There are 3 primary riding areas in Prince George.

1. The Pidherny Recreation Site is managed by Recreation Sites and Trails in partnership with the Prince George Cycling Club/PGMBA. TRAIL MAP (PDF)

2. Caledonia Nordic Center (Otway) has a large network of snowshoe trails that are great mountain bike trails in the summer. TRAIL MAP (PDF)

3. UNBC and Forest for the World (FFTW) has a large network of granular double-track managed by the City of Prince George, as well as many old-school technical singletrack, found south of the Greenway Trail. TRAIL MAP (PDF)

Upcoming Events

We have an exciting schedule of events planned for this season. A reminder that participation in any PGCC sanctioned event requires a current membership. More details will be provided as they become available, and sign up for events will be on our website. Look forward to seeing everyone out on the trails! 

Dust off the cobwebs and get ready to power through a 12.5 km or 18.1 km race route. 

Date: Sunday, June 2
Registration starts at 10am
Race starts at 11am
BBQ to follow 

Where: Pidherny lower landing (100m past the red gate)

A fun ride for all skills and ages to enjoy, where ride times will be adjusted by the final poker hands collected. 

Date: TBD

Where: Pidherny

A multi-stage downhill race for all skills and ages to attend. 

When: TBD

Where: TBD

Get stoked! We’re hosting Jump Jam! There will be tail whips, tricks, and high jumps. 

When: TBD

Where: Pidherny on Project X (follow the flagging from either parking lot)

We hate to see the end of another MTB season, but it happens every year. 

When: TBD

Meet at 9:30am
Ride starts at 10:00am

Where: TBD

Weekly Rides at Pidherny

Check our Facebook page for details. 

Trail Maintenance

Mountain bike trails do not maintain themselves; we rely on countless volunteer hours to maintain the local trails at Pidherny. A huge thank you to everyone that comes out to support these nights. 

We have tools you can use, offer instruction and guidance on where and how to maintain the trails, and it’s a great way to meet like-minded riders, too!  

  • No previous experience working on trails is required!
  • Build nights typically run for 2 hours
  • Each build night is led by an experienced trail builder(s) who will explain what to do and oversee everything
  • Every build night will begin with a safety talk and overview of the work planned
  • Everyone will meet at the designated meeting spot and walk to the trail together, led by the trail builder(s)
  • Comfortable clothes that are appropriate for the weather and you don’t mind getting covered in dirt.
  • Layers appropriate for the weather (jackets, extra gloves, hat/toque)
  • Supportive, close-toed shoes
  • A backpack with water, snacks, and waterproof outerwear in case the weather changes
  • Work/gardening gloves
  • Shovel, rake, mcleod, or pulaski, if you have one
  • Bug spray

If you want to ride the trails, make time to help maintain them and join our organized build nights. It can take a long time to build even a relatively small feature, but many hands—and the right resources— make light work. 


Gals N Gears is an inclusive mountain biking community dedicated to smiling, laughing, and pedaling the local trail systems together. Our weekly mountain bike group rides are fun, non-competitive rides and a great way to meet other lady mountain bikers. Rides are usually around 1.5 hours in duration.

Rides are planned for beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders. This means, beginner groups may ride green/blue trails and intermediate/advanced groups may ride blue/black trails.

Find more details on Facebook and Instagram.

Mountain Race Results

2022 Sunduro 5-Stage Results

19+ Female 19+ Male 15-18 Male U14 Male
Jenn Baardseth
Glenn King
Adam Mushumanski
Marcus Mackenzie
Jasmine Funk
Quinton Ginter
Russell Grant
Laura Creighton
Conor Sproull
Graeme Sherman

Full Results: Zone 4

2022 Sunduro 3-Stage Results

U14 Male U14 Female 19+ Male 19+ Female
Spencer Noorish
Emma Teetaert
Jason Hesse
Lisa Lowen
Scott Moore
Leo Duncan
Kira Lewis
Fynn Loewen
Jeffrey Noonan
Robyn Leischner

Full Enduro Results: Zone 4

2021 Otway Kids Race

11-12 Girls 11-12 Boys 8-10 Girls
Jenna Foreman
Kyler Schultz
Sama Alpacharchy
Rowyn Beaulieu
Scott Moore
Emily Hiller
Jaeken Windolf
Piper Moore