Kids Chocolate Races #2

Who: Kids under 14 years old
What: Kids pick a strider, green, blue, or black circuit depending on their skill level and get a chocolate bar for their awesome efforts!
Where: Upper parking lot at Otway Nordic Centre
Why: The goal of these events is to encourage young mountain bikers to be active, develop skills, make new friends and have fun on bikes!
When: June 2, 2022, race starts at 6:30pm (black circuit starts first)

Cost: $5 *Must be PGCC members ($15 per child)
Register ahead of time online or pay cash the day of (exact change appreciated) 5:45 – 6:15pm at the upper parking lot

Volunteers: This event, like all PGCC events, is organized by volunteers. We cannot run the race without adults on course and at the finish line. We’ve designated spots ahead of time so please see the sign up form to sign up for a volunteer spot
and help out.

Please bring a filled water bottle and don’t forget the bug spray!

The event is finished.

The Kids Race ticket sales has ended!


Jun 02 2022


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


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